Fee Based Library Services Policy – Proctoring, Laminating, 3D Printing

Fee Based Library Services Policy

Board Policy:
DATE REVIEWED: 8/19/2024
DATE APPROVED: 8/19/2024

Pickerington Public Library (PPL) is committed to providing dynamic customer services to benefit the community. This policy is intended to address services requiring fees. As part of this commitment, PPL offers nontraditional library services, such as proctoring, 3D printing and laminating, for the convenience of the community.

All non-Traditional library services provided by the library will follow Federal, State, and local laws.

Service Guidelines and Limitations

The Library Director will establish guidelines for the use of these nontraditional services with fees, including any limitations or restrictions. This could include eligibility requirements, usage limits, or costs associated with these services.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

The Library is commitment to ensuring that these services are accessible to all community members, including those with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Privacy and Confidentiality

If the services involve handling personal or sensitive information (such as proctoring), it might be helpful to mention the library’s commitment to protecting user privacy and following applicable laws.

Legal Responsibility

Customers utilizing nontraditional library services offered by Pickerington Public Library are expected to use these services in a lawful and responsible manner. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that their activities comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, particularly in relation to intellectual property rights. The Library’s staff will not knowingly violate or infringe on any intellectual property rights. The library reserves the right to deny access to these services if misuse or illegal activity is suspected.

Liability Disclaimer

Pickerington Public Library is not liable for any damages, losses, or legal issues arising from the misuse of the nontraditional services provided, including but not limited to 3D printing and other sensitive technologies. Patrons are solely responsible for ensuring that their use of these services complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The library disclaims any responsibility for the consequences of actions taken by patrons while using these services.


The Board acknowledges that the costs of nontraditional services are sometimes covered by the Library’s general tax revenue. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Library Director and Fiscal Officer to assess the necessity of fees for these services and to determine the appropriate fee amounts. Any fees charged by PPL are designed to cover the cost of staff time and/or supplies.

Administrative Procedure:

DATE REVIEWED: 8/19/2024
DATE APPROVED: 8/19/2024

A. Proctoring

The Pickerington Public Library will administer exams from institutions including colleges and universities, distance learning centers, and licensing agencies.

a. Request Confirmation: Exam proctoring requests will be considered official only after the student has received confirmation of the date and time from a library staff member.

b. Required Documentation: Test takers must coordinate any paperwork necessary to complete exams, such as exams and testing instructions. Test takers are also responsible for verifying that the paperwork has been received by Library staff.

c. Test taker Responsibilities:

  • Pay the $15.00 (Tax included) fee for each paper exam and each login session for online exams at the time of the scheduled exam.
  • Provide the proper identification and documentation at the time of the scheduled exam.
  • Supply a USPS pre-paid shipping label for any paper exams that must be returned to the testing institution by postal mail. Library staff will not send exams without sufficient postage.
  • Ensure the transfer of the exam from the testing institution to the Library and verify its receipt. The Library will not notify the test-taker upon the exam’s arrival.
  • Schedule the exam session at least two (2) business days in advance of the testing date.
  • Allow sufficient time to complete the examination before the deadline set by the testing institution. It is the responsibility of the test-taker to schedule the timing of the exam.
  • Exams will be proctored only during regular Library hours. Proctoring services are not available on Sundays.
  • Arrive on time for the scheduled exam. After two missed appointments, including failures to cancel the appointment, the library reserves the right to deny future proctoring requests.

d. Exam Submission: Testing institutions must send exam materials prior to the examination date, either by postal mail or by email. Testing institutions can send materials to the following postal addresses:

  • For the Pickerington Main location:
    Pickerington Public Library
    c/o Adult Services Department
    201 Opportunity Way
    Pickerington, OH  43147
  • For the Sycamore Plaza location:
    Pickerington Public Library
    c/o Reference Department
    7861 Refugee Road
    Pickerington, OH  43147

Testing institutions can also send materials to the following email address:

  • pplrefstaff@pickeringtonlibrary.org

e. Proctoring Environment: Exams will be administered in Meeting Room C of the Pickerington Main Library, and in the Sycamore Plaza Library Meeting Room. Exams will be supervised by the available staff member at the time of the exam. The library cannot guarantee that a specific staff member will be available for proctoring. If a testing institution has stringent requirements regarding proctor identification and professional qualifications, the library may not be able to accommodate the test taker.

f. Proctoring Standards: The proctor will verify the test takers identity, ensures adherence to the time limit,   monitor the use of authorized resources, and ensure the completed test is returned according to the testing institutions instructions.

g. Service Denial: The library reserves the right to decline proctoring services based on scheduling, staffing, testing institution requirements, or other factors.

h. Document Retention: Exam documents and information will be retained for no more than two weeks after the exam, unless otherwise specified by the testing institution.

i. Contact Information: For questions regarding proctoring services, contact:

  • Pickerington Main Library Adult Services Department: 614-837-4104, ext. 233
  • Sycamore Plaza Library Branch Reference Department: 614-837-4383

B. Laminating

The Pickerington Public Library offers laminating services at the Main Library location, handled by the Technical Services Department.

a. Cost:

  • $1 per foot
  • $0.50 for an 8 ½ x 11 sheet

b. Processing Time: A minimum of 48 hours is required to complete the lamination process due to staffing and capacity constraints.

c. Size and Thickness Limitations:

  • Maximum lamination size: approximately 22 inches by 28 inches (poster board size)
  • Maximum thickness: approximately 12pt cardstock (thick poster board)

d. Exclusions: Items with glitter will not be laminated due to sealing issues.

e. Confidentiality: The library adheres to all Federal, State, and local privacy laws. Information on items left for lamination will be kept confidential.

C. 3D Printing

The Pickerington Public Library provides 3D printing services at all library locations.

a. Fees: The library charges $0.10 per gram of filament used (calculated by software), with a minimum charge of $1.00. Payment is required before the print is made.

b. Service Intent: The library offers 3D printing for educational, entertainment, and prototyping purposes, not for commercial production.

c. Service Limitations: The library will not reprint objects that fail due to design errors unless modifications are made by the library. Refunds or replacements will not be provided for dissatisfaction with print color, quality, size, or other controllable factors.

d. Design Review: Customers are encouraged to thoroughly review their designs before submission. The library reserves the right to refuse any print request.

e. Prohibited Uses: The library’s 3D printers may only be used for lawful purposes. Printing requests for the following will be refused:

  1. Items prohibited by local, state, or federal law
  2. Items that are unsafe, harmful, or pose an immediate threat to others
  3. Obscene or inappropriate items for the library environment
  4. Items that infringe on intellectual property rights

f. Liability: The library is not responsible for damages, breaks, or any issues caused by 3D printed items after they leave library property.

g. Confidentiality: While the library will maintain the confidentiality of customer print histories, prints themselves may be visible to the public during production. The library cannot guarantee privacy during this process.

h. General Guidelines:

  1. Only designated, trained library staff will operate the 3D printers.
  2. Only library-provided filament will be used. Customers may not supply their own materials.
  3. The 3D printing material used is PLA, a bioplastic that may melt if exposed to high temperatures.

i. Printing Process:

  1. Customers may submit print requests through the library’s website. Library staff will assist as needed.
  2. Files will be printed as submitted, without modifications. If changes are necessary, staff will notify the customer and recommend adjustments.
  3. Once printing is complete (within approximately 1-2 weeks), customers will be notified about pickup details.

Fee Based Library Services Policy – Proctoring, Laminating, 3D Printing

The library will be closed on Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.// Our eBranch is open 24/7.

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