June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month!  It’s the perfect time of year to visit a farmer’s market for fresh local fruits and vegetables, or to visit the produce section of your local grocery store.  It’s not too late to plant a garden and grow your own fruits and vegetables.

Check out the following books to get started:

 How to Grow Food, by Richard Gianfrancesco

 Better Homes and Gardens Vegetable Fruit & Herb Gardening

 Vertical Vegetables & Fruit, by Rhonda Massingham

 The Fruit Gardener’s Bible, by Lewis Hill

 The Speedy Vegetable Garden, by Mark Diacono

Get your kids involved also and excited about eating fruits and vegetables!

 The Book of Gardening Projects for Kids, by Whitney Cohen

After you visit the farmer’s market, the produce department, or grow your own fruits and vegetables, then try some of the following recipes from your garden harvest:

 Cooking from the Garden, edited by Ruth Lively

 EatingWell Vegetables

 Eating Local, by Janet Fletcher

 The Farmer’s Market Cookbook, by Richard Ruben

 Local Bounty: Seasonal Vegan Recipes, by Devra Gartenstein

For local fruits and vegetables, visit the Pickerington Farmer’s Market on Thursdays from 4-7 p.m., starting June 1 and going through September 28. If you need any more information on gardening or cooking, visit our website, or contact the Adult Services Department, at 614-837-4104, ext. 233.


June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

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