Annual Events

For children and families to college students and adults, Pickerington Public Library hosts annual events that are engaging, fun and meet the needs of our diverse community. 

Winter Events

Santa Saturday

Meet Santa, play games and create holiday themed arts and crafts the first Saturday in December. There’s something fun to do for everyone in the family. Don’t forget to snap a picture with Santa! 

Winter Reading

Brush off the Winter blues and keep your reading skills sharp over the holidays. All ages are welcomed to participate, encouraged to read more books and eligible to win fun prizes!

Summer Events

Summer Reading Kick Off

Keep your reading skills sharp throughout the summer. Kids and adults can participate. Set your reading goal, track your progress and earn prizes for reading!

Comic Fest

Meet your favorite superhero at this free fun-filled, family-friendly day, watch caricature artists at work, have your picture taken in our interactive photo booth and so much more! 

Summer Reading Finale

From performers, magicians, firetrucks and police cars, you will experience a great day of fun for the whole family to celebrate the end of Summer Reading Finale. 

Fall Events

Trick or Treat

Dress up in your favorite Halloween costume and stop by Pickerington Main Library for some goodies and a whole lot of fun! 

Event dates and times are provided on our main event calendar, rotating banner found on the home page and via social media and newsletter. 


Annual Events

All library locations will be closed on Monday, Feb. 24 for Staff Professional Development Day. Our E-Branch is open 24/7 to read, watch, listen and learn.

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