Teen Spotlight: Reality TV Reads

We all have a reality show that we love, whether it involves just watching the everyday drama of people’s lives, watching chefs cook food that you wish you could make yourself, or watching ordinary people take on extraordinary challenges. We love to watch the unscripted magic of people being people.

But, as much as we love reality TV, it also comes with its dangers. There are issues of privacy and of whether or not show creators go too far when it comes to getting the reactions or drama that they want to make a reality show more appealing. These issues are raised in author Gina Damico’s new book, Waste of Space, which is being released on July 11. The book follows a group of teens that are cast on a reality show in which they think they are taking a trip into space on a spaceship. What the teens don’t realize is that the space adventure is all just Hollywood magic. They are really just on a replica spaceship on a sound stage with advanced special effects. What happens when the show creators make the teens believe that their ship is in danger?

Sound awesome? Then try these other titles that explore the good, the bad, and the ugly of reality TV!




Teen Spotlight: Reality TV Reads

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