Featured Database: Reference USA

When you need market research, company information, job listings, and white pages information, ReferenceUSA – free with your Pickerington Public Library card – is the perfect place to begin!


Company Information 

ReferenceUSA offers information on 49 million businesses, and you can find contact information, websites, and social media links in each detailed company profiles. If you are small business or an entrepreneur or simply an interested consumer, ReferenceUSA is a great stop for market research and company information! You can search by location and by category, so that you might find similar companies in the same area, and learn more about possible competitors.

Job Listings

Be sure to add ReferenceUSA to your job search databases, in addition to our Learning Express Library database and the Ohio government site Ohio Means Jobs (both accessible from the library’s website): on ReferenceUSA, you can search among their 2.5 million postings for available positions: conduct a search broadly, using job title or keyword searching, or narrow your results by salary range, full- or part-time status, and of course, location.

White Pages

If you prefer a digital format to the traditional bound version of the White Pages, you are definitely in luck: ReferenceUSA offers access to the U.S. White Pages database, with information on 155 million residents!

Reference USA is a featured database during our Library Resources for Business Owners program, on Monday, October 23: register today to learn more about this database and others that can assist small business owners!


Featured Database: Reference USA

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