Teen Spotlight: 24 Hour Stories

A lot can happen in 24 hours: you could fall in love, find yourself, loose yourself, experience tragedy. Anything could happen. That’s what makes these books so fantastic!

This month we’re featuring teen novels that take place over a single day. In these stories, not a moment is wasted. You’re there for every action and reaction, making them all the more significant. Want to give it a try? Check out Gayle Forman’s new release, I Have Lost My Way. Forman is an expert at playing with time in her novels, making this book a great example of the 24 hour story. It follows three young strangers who are brought together by crisis and may end up being each other’s salvation. If you like this one, place your hold here, or you can try one of the titles below:


Teen Spotlight: 24 Hour Stories

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