Holiday Closures at Pickerington Library

All locations of the Pickerington Public Library will be closed on Monday, December 24, and on Tuesday, December 25. The library will also close early, at 5 p.m., on Monday, December 31, and will be closed on Tuesday, January 1.

Our digital library will still be open! Use your Pickerington Public Library card online to:

  • Figure out a cool DIY technique that wraps up all your leftover ribbon and wrapping paper with HGTV Magazine and Do It Yourself on our digital magazine service, Flipster.
  • Research your holiday gifts with the buying guides and product recommendations on Consumer Reports.
  • Binge-watch new-to-you series on Hoopla Digital: British TV, anyone?
  • Return to work a social media marketing expert: spend the holidays learning new professional skills on

Holiday Closures at Pickerington Library

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