NEA Big Read Art Day

Join us on March 9 for Art Day at the Library as part of the NEA Big Read.
12:00 – 1:00 PM
Ceramic ornament art-to-go kits with Art & Clay on Main
1:00 – 2:30 PM
“My Journey into Charlottesville” 30 minute presentation followed by 1-hour workshop with Art Possible Ohio.

“My Journey into Charlottesville” Presentation 
Columbus based artist, Charlotte McGraw, shares her journey into artistry as a disabled person. Charlotte struggled as a troubled teenager. Through support from others and a developing belief in herself, Charlotte discovered a gift for creating artful and whimsical collage characters to make up a world called “Charlottesville,” a place where everyone is welcome.

Character Collage Workshop
Following Charlotte’s talk, everyone is welcome to join Charlotte in creating their own characters from unusual collage materials. All are welcome and supplies are provided.
Some of Charlotte’s artwork shown below. 
Columbus-based artist, Charlotte McGraw,

NEA Big Read Art Day

Holiday Hours: Dec. 24 & 25: Closed | Dec. 31: Closing @ 5:00 pm | Jan. 1: Closed// Our E-Branch is open 24/7

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