Bulletin Board Policy

The Pickerington Public Library (PPL) provides a designated area available only to nonprofit groups serving Fairfield County and the Pickerington Local School District (PLSD) for the posting of information related to specific educational, cultural, civic, governmental, intellectual, or charitable activities and events. The primary purpose of the material must be to inform the public of the organization’s programs, services, or events.

PPL provides space for the distribution of the following:

  • Events in which PPL is cosponsoring
  • PLSD School sponsored events and services
  • City of Pickerington information and events
  • Violet Township information and events
  • Fairfield County and Franklin County information and events
  • State of Ohio information and events
  • Any community event that aligns with the mission and vision of the Library
  • Free community newspapers and magazines

Materials fitting the above criteria will not be excluded because of the background or views of their author(s). The presence of a poster, brochure, flyer, or any other notice in the Library does not necessarily indicate that the Library either advocates or endorses the information or events posted.

Bulletin Board/Information Distribution Policy
Board Policy: DATE REVIEWED: 9/20/2021
DATE APPROVED: 9/20/2021


Bulletin Board Policy

The library will be closed on Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.// Our eBranch is open 24/7.

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