Cardholder Policy

Any person or organization that resides in Ohio who agrees by written or electronic signature to be responsible for all materials they borrow, will be issued a library card and allowed to use the collections and other services of the Pickerington Public Library.  Cardholders will be responsible for all fees charged to their library account as a result of use of library materials.  Fees that exceed an established amount and/or long overdue items will result in suspension of cardholder privileges until fees are paid below the established amount and/or long overdue items are returned. 

A lost library card shall be reported immediately.  The cardholder is responsible for materials checked out up to the time the card is reported lost or stolen at which time staff members will place a block on the card to prevent further use.

Parents or legal guardians of Minors, those 17 years of age and younger, must sign or electronically agree to be responsible for all materials borrowed by minors and to monitor the nature of all materials used by Minors, including materials accessed using Full Access library cards.  Parents and legal guardians will have Minor library card choices:

  1. Full Access: Minors may borrow any circulating item, including audiovisual materials. Electronic resources, including databases and downloadable content, are available for in-house and remote use.
  2. Video/VG Restricted: Minors may borrow any circulating item, except audiovisual materials. Electronic resources, including databases and downloadable content, are available for in-house and remote use.

The exception to this are Kids Cards, which may be issued to Minors as a special limited access library card which does not require the signature of a parent or legal guardian.  The Pickerington Public Library will ensure that its cardholders have the greatest opportunity to utilize its collections, as well as those of its Central Library Consortium partners.  Library card guidelines and loan periods are established for this purpose.

Loan Periods

7 DaysItem LimitRenewals
Video Games5 per card6
DVDs10 per card6
Experience PassesNo limitNo Renewals

Parallel Parking Cones

No limitNo Renewals
Quick Pick – Books & DVDsDefault to item typeNo Renewals


14 DaysItem LimitRenewals
Hotspots1 per cardNo Renewals
Launchpads5 per card6
Nature Backpacks5 per card6
Steam To Go Kits5 per card6
Memory Kits5 per card6
Early Literacy Kits5 per card6
Immersive Readers5 per card6
VR/AR Headsets1 per card6


21 DaysItem LimitRenewals
New Books506


28 DaysItem LimitRenewals
Music CDs106
Playaway Views106
Board Games56
Magnetic Mazes56
Wood Juvenile Puzzles56

Most Pickerington Public Library (PPL) items will automatically renew six (6) times for the same length of time as the original check-out unless another customer has placed a hold on the item, or it is a Quick Pick, Mobile Hotspot or EContent.  Materials on loan from other Central Library Consortium (CLC) Libraries may automatically renew for different periods of time. All CLC libraries offer automatic renewal.

A hold may be placed on most items with a limit of 25 holds per card.  There are item types not available for hold or request.

      – Quick Picks

A library customer shall be limited to checking out an aggregate of 50 items per card.  However, new customers are limited to a total of 10 items checked out at any one time during the first 28 days.  Customers under age 18 may check out books only during the first 28 days (no audio-visual materials).

The library assumes no responsibility for damage caused to a borrower’s audiovisual or computer equipment.

Copyright laws limit Video-Games, Music CDs, Audio Books and DVDs to home viewing and/or listening only and prohibit their duplication.

Pickerington Public Library
Cardholder Policy

Board Policy:
Date Reviewed: 09/16/19
Date Approved: 09/16/19
Effective Date:  09/16/19
Replacing Policy Effective: 12/14/17


Cardholder Policy

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