Collection Development Policy


Mission Statement
The Pickerington Public Library is a dynamic community resource providing library services to foster an inquisitive mind and the desire to know, understand and enjoy the world.

Philosophy of Collection Development
In a free society, information on many points of view, in many fields of endeavor, must be readily available. The Pickerington Public Library serves the public as a general center of information and diverse ideas. It has the responsibility of providing materials reflecting a diversity of views and expression. Materials are intended to aid in the pursuit of education, the search for information and the enjoyable use of leisure time. The library recognizes that it has limited financial resources and has a responsibility to use its public funds to serve the entire community. Consequently, the library’s collection reflects the collective needs of the community as opposed to any one individual’s interests. The library uses other available avenues – interlibrary loan, appropriate referral, or redirection to serve the individual whose interests go beyond the scope of the library’s collection.

The library believes in the right and obligation of parents and guardians to guide the moral development of their children. The decision as to what library material a minor may use is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. 


Principles of Selection
Selection is based on the merits of a work in relation to the needs, interests and demands of the community. The library supports and is supported by the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements which affirm that free and convenient access to ideas, information, and the creative experience is of vital importance to every citizen today. The selection of library materials is predicated on the library patron’s right to read and his/her freedom from censorship by others.

Responsibility for Selection
The responsibility for the selection of materials rests with the Library Director. The Director may include professional and para-professional staff in the selection process, thus allowing a variety of input based on knowledge and expertise in particular subject areas. Any book and/or library material so selected shall be held to be selected by the Library Board.

Criteria for Selection
Selectors consider some or all of the following criteria when selecting library materials:

  • Contemporary significance, demand, and/or permanent value
  • Factual accuracy and/or objectiveness of non-fiction materials
  • Community needs, standards and/or requests
  • Readability and/or literary or artistic merit
  • Presentation of various subjects and/or viewpoints
  • Reputation and authority of author and/or publisher
  • Price and/or availability
  • Suitability of physical format for library purposes
  • Value in accomplishing library mission
  • Inclusion in standard bibliographies or indexes
  • Professional journal reviews
  • Availability of material in other area libraries
  • Relationship to existing collection in the same subject field

A resource will not be excluded from selection solely for the reason of the race, color, religion, gender, sexual preference, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or other characteristic of the author or the source. The addition of material to the library does not constitute or imply agreement with or approval of its content, but assures that a variety of differing points of view are represented.

Donations of Library Materials
The library welcomes gifts of books and audiovisual materials. Gifts are accepted from the donor with the full understanding that all gifts become the property of the  library. Gifts must meet the above selection standards before they can become a permanent part of the collection. The library reserves the right to dispense with gifts in any manner that it deems appropriate. Donations which are not placed in the collection may be given to and then sold by the Friends of the Library for fund-raising purposes to benefit the library.

The library does not appraise gifts materials for tax purposes. A letter of receipt stating the number of items given may be sent, upon request, to the donor.

The library will accept donations of money for the purchase of materials to serve as memorials or to honor individuals. The Library Director will work with the donor to purchase materials which are meaningful to the family and the donor.


Materials no longer deemed useful in the library will be disposed of according to accepted professional practices at the discretion of the Library Director. The weeding of library materials is a continuing process and one that is essential to maintaining a quality collection.

The process and decision to weed an item takes into account the same criteria used when the item was first selected for inclusion in the collection. In addition, criteria  such as obsolete information, insufficient use, excessive wear and tear, space availability and changing user interests are considered. Duplicate copies and items superseded by newer editions are reviewed for possible weeding.

Discarded materials become surplus property and may be given to and then sold by the Friends of the Library for fund-raising purposes to benefit the library.


The Request
Any person at least eighteen (18) years of age, a registered patron of the library, and a resident of the Pickerington Local School District may question the inclusion of materials in the library collection by submitting a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form. Materials will remain in circulation during the reconsideration process.

  • This form must be completed in full, signed by the person, and forwarded to the Library Director for review.
  • The person must have read, viewed, or listened to the material in its entirety.
  • It is most helpful if the specific material in question is sent along with the form.

The Library Response

  • The Library Director, in consultation with the appropriate staff, will review the written comments.
  • If the material meets the criteria for selection, the person and the Board of Trustees will be notified in writing of the Library Director’s decision.
  • If the Library Director finds the material does not meet the criteria for selection, the Library Director will remove the material and notify the person, and the Board of Trustees.

Patron Appeal

  • If the person requesting the reconsideration is not satisfied with the Library Director’s decision, such person may, within fourteen (14) days of such decision, file a notice of appeal in writing with the Library Director who shall promptly notify the Reconsideration Committee.
  • The Reconsideration Committee will then be called together to review the material in question.

The Reconsideration Committee
The Reconsideration Committee will consist of a professional staff member selected by the Board, a registered patron of the Pickerington Public Library who resides within the library’s district, and one member of the Board of Trustees. The patron representative shall be appointed annually by the Board. 

The committee, with input from the staff, the person making the appeal, and/or other interested parties, will undertake the following:

  • Read, view, or listen to the material in question in its entirety
  • Review the selection process and criteria for selection.
  • Check reviews and recommended lists to determine recommendations by experts and critics
  • Meet to discuss the material in question
  • Make a recommendation for retention, removal, or replacement

The Board of Trustees, the Library Director and the person making the appeal, will be notified of the recommendation of the Reconsideration Committee. If the person making the appeal or the Library Director is not satisfied with the Reconsideration Committee’s finding, within fourteen (14) days of the decision by the Reconsideration Committee, such party may file, with the Board of Trustees, a written notice of the appeal containing such person’s objections, and the copy of the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials.” The decision of the Board of Trustees will be final.

No book or other library material will be reconsidered until at least five years have elapsed from the final decision of any prior reconsideration.

Collection Development Policy
Revised 5/12/03


Collection Development Policy

The library will be closed on Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.// Our eBranch is open 24/7.

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