Grounds Use Policy

Requests for use of the library’s grounds and/or parking lot for a non-library use will be decided by the Library Director or Assistant Director on a case by case basis.

The following general guidelines will be used:

  • Groups using library space may not charge admission or request donations.
  • Only the Pickerington Public Library or groups affiliated with the library may use the facilities for fund-raising activities.
  • The use of library space for private social functions is not permitted.
  • Library use of space takes precedence over any other use.
  • Use of the library grounds and/or parking lot must not disturb normal library operations.
  • The library reserves the right to stop any gatherings that are disruptive to normal library operations.

Pickerington Public Library
Use of Library Grounds and/or Parking Lot Policy
Adopted 2/10/03


Grounds Use Policy

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