Volunteer at Pickerington Public Library

Library volunteers benefit the library and community in many ways. We welcome your involvement and offer a variety of volunteer opportunities to match your interests, skills, and availability. There are many rewarding opportunities for volunteers including keeping our collections in order, assisting staff during library classes and events, rewarding participants during Summer Reading, helping students be successful in Reading Buddies and our Homework Help Centers. View Homework Help Center Hours.

Already a Volunteer? Log in. 

Contact Information

Pickerington Main Library
201 Opportunity Way
Pickerington, OH 43147
Pickerington Main Homework Help Center Coordinator:
614-837-4104 ext. 248

Sycamore Plaza Library
7861 Refugee Road
Pickerington, OH 43147
Sycamore Plaza Library Homework Help Center Coordinator:

Volunteer Criteria

  • Student volunteers must at least 12 years old or in grades 7-12. 
  • Adult volunteers (18+) must be able to complete a criminal background check. 
  • Looking for an on-going opportunity lasting 3 months or longer. 
  • Able to commit to an on-going schedule (weekly/monthly) of 2-6 hours per week. 
  • Be a Pickerington Public Library cardholder. 
  • Attend orientation. 

Please note: We do not accept court-mandated or diversion program volunteers. Not all volunteer opportunities are available at all times or at all locations.

Volunteer Criteria

The Pickerington Public Library has many volunteer opportunities for customers at both locations.

General Support
Special Events and Classes
Homework Help Center
Reading Buddies
Summer Reading

Teen Volunteer Service Award Scholarship

Pickerington Public Library Teen Volunteer Service Scholarship was established to assist high school students who have provided outstanding volunteer service to Pickerington Public Library and plan on advancing their education. The award may be applied to any type of education or training, including internships and apprenticeships; during or post high school graduation.  

This service award is funded through an anonymous private donation made by two Violet Township residents. The Pickerington Public Library Fund and Fundraising committee will select the scholarship winners. Scholarships may be awarded to one or more applicants with awards of $500-$750 per awardee. The Library Fund will award a maximum of three scholarships per year. Once awarded a scholarship, the awardee is not eligible for future scholarships with this library fund.  

Applications are open for submission from December 1 through January 30. 


Volunteer at Pickerington Public Library

Holiday Hours: Dec. 24 & 25: Closed | Dec. 31: Closing @ 5:00 pm | Jan. 1: Closed// Our E-Branch is open 24/7

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