Macmillan Publishers’ limiting access to new titles for libraries means limiting access for readers

Effective Nov. 1, 2019, Pickerington Public Library joined the America Library Association (ALA), Columbus Metropolitan Library, Toledo Lucas Public Library and libraries across the country in the decision to no longer purchase newly released ebooks from Macmillan Publishing and calling for Macmillan Publishing to cancel the embargo and restore full access to its complete ebook catalog upon release to the public.
Macmillan is one of five major publishers in the United States, but the only publisher to institute an embargo. This embargo restricts public libraries to purchasing only one copy of a newly released ebook for the first eight weeks after publication. The Digital Downloads Collaboration was the 10th highest circulating entity in the world in 2018, with a total circulation of 3.44 million items.

“As good stewards of taxpayer funds, we have the responsibility to balance access to information while being fiscally responsible, said Library Director Tony Howard. “Deciding to suspend purchasing ebooks from Macmillan Publishers was a difficult business decision. Their embargo on libraries and unfair pricing creates an inequality of access to information for our taxpayers.”

According to ALA, Millions of people now use digital content as their preferred or only access to books, music, and movies. Digital content is portable, accessible to people with print disabilities, available anywhere 24/7, and brokered by libraries to provide diverse options to our diverse communities.

If you would like to join the Pickerington Public Library, The American Library Association and libraries across the country to voice your opposition to Macmillan’s new policy, please sign this petition on alalink  telling Macmillan CEO John Sargent that access to eBooks should not be delayed or denied. We must have #eBooksForAll!


Macmillan Publishers’ limiting access to new titles for libraries means limiting access for readers

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