Pickerington Public Library Coronavirus Resource Guide: Get the Facts

The Pickerington Public Library strives to fulfill its mission to connect community and provide vital resources that meet the needs of its citizens. Dedicated to providing up-to-date and accurate information to customers, we have compiled a list of materials to help navigate virus information and resources.

What is the Coronavirus and how can you stay healthy?
Take a look at the handout, provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Where can you get accurate and up-to-date information?


The State of Ohio:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

World Health Organization:

News and Other Websites:

For Kids:

What is Pickerington Public Library doing in response to the Coronavirus?
In response to Governor DeWine’s mandates, the Executive Leadership Team at Pickerington Public Library and Board of Trus­tees feel it is necessary to close all of our facilities beginning Monday, March 16 until April 21st. All book drops will also be closed at this time. Until the library reopens, please keep all library materials at home. No fines or fees will be incurred For more information, see the library press release, visit the library’s blog or social media channels. The library has also made an online library card sign up available to provide new members access to our ebranch and digital resources. If you need access to Wi-Fi, users can gain access in library parking lots. 

Can you come to the library?
If you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms, the CDC and other agencies advise staying home. In response to Governor DeWine’s mandate, all Pickerington Public Library facilities and book drops will be closed until April 21st. Until the library reopens, please keep all library materials at home. No fines or fees will be incurred. For more information, view the press release.

What should you do if you can’t get to the library?
If you have a library card, you can access the library’s 24/7 e-branch for free anytime, anywhere. The library’s free e-branch has many digital services available, such as e-books and audiobooks, streaming television and movies, and digital access to magazines and news publications. If you don’t have access to Wi-Fi, the library does have a limited number of hotspots available for checkout. Our Wi-Fi is also available for free use in our parking lots. If you don’t remember your library card number or pin, email pplrefstaff@pickeringtonlibrary.org.  If you don’t have a library card, in response to coronavirus closures, the library has made expedited online library card sign up available. If you have a question related to digital services, software or technology, reach out to our tech trainers.


Pickerington Public Library Coronavirus Resource Guide: Get the Facts

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