Finding Peace: Recommended reads to help reduce stress 

Anytime we step outside our comfort zone, we may experience a level of discomfort that causes some level of stress or anxiety.  It could be perceived as a positive situation, like starting a new job or buying a new house, or perhaps more negative, like losing a job or getting sick.

Whatever you’re feeling during times of uncertainty and stress. It can be perfectly normal and valid. People react differently to situations that can cause a range of emotions throughout the day: from anger to grief, guilt, worry, joy or contentment.

For additional support, check out this list of books to help better understand and address stress to practice mindfulness while in search of hope and peace-of-mind. 

Helpful websites:

Fairfield ADAMH Board (Alcohol, Drug Addiction, Mental Health)

Mental Health Crisis Line, Suicide Prevention Line, Online Recovery Support Services, Pandemic Crisis Services, Client Advocate)

Fairfield County Job and Family Services

Alcohol and drug treatment, counseling, employment and training services, financial assistance, food, foreclosure assistance, pregnancy services, support groups.

CDC Stress and Coping

Mindfulness and Meditation

HelpGuide for mental health and wellness:

Guided Meditations

The Science behind positive affirmations


Finding Peace: Recommended reads to help reduce stress 

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