DIY and Hobbies

Need to repair a vehicle, work on a house project, or learn a new hobby? Check out these resources for all your DIY and creative needs!

If you don’t have a library card, sign up for a library card online. Having difficulty navigating the virtual world and its tools? Connect with our tech trainers and reference librarians.

Choose Your Topic

Chilton Library


Hobbies and Craft Reference Center

Service and repair procedures and guides, including diagrams and illustrations, for vehicle maintenance and repair.

Creativebug offers more than 1000 online video workshops for arts and crafts, taught by artists and experts.

Instructions for a variety of crafts, including popular publications and how-to videos. Many categories to choose from. 

Home Improvement Reference Center

Home maintenance, remodeling and repair guides, including how-to videos.

If you don’t have a library card, sign up for a library card online. Having difficulty navigating the virtual world and its tools? Connect with our tech trainers and reference librarians.


DIY and Hobbies

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