Online Learning

Learn something new or update your skills. Try these databases that offer online classes with real experts.

Choose Your Topic

ASL Deafined

More than 18,000 word signed video dictionary, themed lessons, retention exercises, learning from deaf instructors, master ASL at your own pace, improve your fluency in American Sign Language and empower yourself and others to connect with the deaf community. 

Learning Express

More than 3,000 resources to support individuals looking to improve core academic skills, pass a high school equivalency test, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen, etc.

Mango Languages

Over 70 world language courses for a range of learning needs, styles, and backgrounds. Through adaptable exercises and learning activities, learners grasp new vocabulary, grammatical structures, pronunciation and more.

Northstar Online Learning

Learn and demonstrate basic computer
& digital literacy skills, identify areas to improve, take assessments and earn certificates. Basic computer skills and social media

Transparent Language

Practice your language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing activities are available for dozens of languages. Radically better language learning one complete experience. 

If you don’t have a library card, sign up for a library card online. Having difficulty navigating the virtual world and its tools? Connect with our tech trainers and reference librarians.


Online Learning

All library locations will be closed on Monday, Feb. 24 for Staff Professional Development Day. Our E-Branch is open 24/7 to read, watch, listen and learn.

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