Read, Stream, Listen (or eMaterials)

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Stream movies, television shows, music, e-books and audiobooks to your computer and mobile devices! No holds on any titles.


Borrow e-books and digital audiobooks using the Libby app, brought to you by OverDriveApp available on the Google Play and Apple App Stores.


Reading recommendations based on selected books, authors and series. What books are you in the mood for? 

Scholastic Watch & Learn Library

Expand children’s vocabulary, comprehension, and knowledge with short nonfiction videos geared toward PreK-3rd grade students. Great for English language learners and beginning readers, too.

TumbleBook Library

Online library of animated, talking picture books for kids. From e-books to graphic novels and playlists, nonfiction and language learning, TumbleBook is great for reading and story time. 

If you don’t have a library card, sign up for a library card online. Having difficulty navigating the virtual world and its tools? Connect with our tech trainers and reference librarians.


Read, Stream, Listen (or eMaterials)

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