Teacher Resources

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Resources for Teachers

Sign your students up for Kid’s Cards.

  • Teachers who are planning a class visit are encouraged to sign their students up for Kids Cards. 
  • Kids Cards can be issued to minors without a parent/guardian present and allow cardholders to check out up to three (3) print items. Cards also allow access to all of the library’s digital resources. 

Bring the Library to your school! 

  • Library On-The-Go school visits are scheduled by teacher request and library staff availability.

To create Kids Cards for your whole class, or schedule a school visit, please email our Outreach Specialist at 614.837.4104, ext. 232.

Teacher Collection

Teacher collections are provided as a free resource to educators who want to supplement the educational resources provided by their school district.

For teacher collection requests, please fill out this form and allow at least one week to gather materials. Once notified that the collection is ready, teachers will have three days to pick up their collections. Pick up time can be extended if necessary by calling the library where the request was made:

  • Pickerington Main Youth Services Department: 614-837-4104, ext. 231
  • Sycamore Plaza Library: 614-837-4383

Please be aware that all the material requested may not be available due to the popularity of the topic and the accessibility of resources.

Teacher Card

Applying for a teacher card can be done at any library location’s Customer Service Department.

To apply for a Teacher Card, in addition to other required forms of acceptable ID, applicants must show a recent pay stub from the school, preschool, or daycare where employed. Other acceptable verifications include a homeschool letter dated within the year, school photo ID from the current school year, or a signed letter from an administrator on school letterhead stating the individual is a teacher. In addition to all the privileges of Full Access cards, Teacher Cards allow a six (6) week loan period for items, but with no renewalsTwo (2) lost items per school year will be allotted to the account if necessary. Most items from the collection can be checked out using an Educator/Teacher Card with the exception of QuickPicks, video games, Nature Backpacks, Experience Passes, and Launchpads. Teacher Cards are good for three (3) years.

If you homeschool your children, you are eligible for a teacher card.  Please provide your state-issued documentation stating that you homeschool your children.


Teacher Resources

Video message from Library Director, Tony HowardWatch video

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