Master the art of Relaxation with this week’s Adult Grab and Go Kit

This week’s grab and go for adults is all about relaxation.

Breathe in. Count to ten. Breathe out. Imagine your happy place. Relaxation and mindfulness are so important to mental health, especially in stressful times. For stress relief at home and at work, here are two simple DIY projects that you can make to find calm and relaxing moments in your life. You can pick up a kit the week starting July 27 at either library location or follow the instructions below to make some with your own materials at home! 


What you need:

  • balloons
  • 2 cups cornstarch
  • 1 cup of water
  • Water bottle (cut the top off to make a funnel)


  1. Cut the water bottle here: 
  1. Attach balloon to your new funnel and begin filling. Pour some water into the balloon, then a bit of the cornstarch (about a tablespoon at a time, back and forth). Squish to mix until the balloon is full and everything is added. You’re creating a non-Newtonian fluid (yay, science!). 
  2. Taking care not to let any air bubbles get into the balloon, take the balloon off the funnel and tie it in a knot.
  3. Take the other balloon and cut the tie end off. Wrap this over the filled balloon to cover up the knot and add more durability.
  4. Begin squishing! 


What You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup Epsom salts
  • 1 tbsp lavender


Simply place in a jar or sealed container, shake, and let sit for one week. Then add to a hot bath and relax! Recipe makes enough for 3-4 baths. 

Optional add-ins: Feel free to add a couple slivers of citrus rind (like orange or lemon), or if you have any relaxing essential oils, add a few drops of those. This is your stress relief bath—make it your own! 

Once you have your stress ball and your bath soak, check out one of these books or web resources to continue your relaxation journey!

Stress Relief and Meditation Resources


  • Be Mindful & Stress Less by Gina Biegel
  • Everyday Meditation by Tobin Blake
  • Mindfulness and Meditation by Whitney Stewart
  • The Self-Care Solution by Jennifer Ashton
  • Stress Less, Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher
  • Transforming Your Life Through Self-Care by Carolyn Brent
  • A Fool’s Guide to Actual Happiness by Mark Van Buren

Web  Resources:


Master the art of Relaxation with this week’s Adult Grab and Go Kit

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