PPL Privacy Statement

Our Commitment to Privacy

Protecting your privacy is very important to the library. This privacy statement explains the steps we have taken and what your choices are in this effort.

To What Information Do These Rules Apply?

These rules apply to any Confidential Personal Information you submit to the library as defined by the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1347, the Central Library Consortium Privacy and Security Policies, Pickerington Public Library’s Public Records Policy, Information Security Policy and Computer and Internet Use Policy.

Confidentiality of Library Records

We support the laws of Ohio (including Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1347), as well as our Public Records and Information Security Policies, which tell us that most library records are confidential and are protected. We will not make any information about you or your use of library services or materials available to anyone or any group except:

If there’s a subpoena, search warrant or a court order…

We will provide information to law enforcement personnel if presented with a court order, search warrant or subpoena. If a court order, search warrant or subpoena is issued, before complying, the library will consult legal counsel to assure the document is in proper form.

If it’s an emergency situation…

Special circumstances, such as emergencies involving public health/safety, may require an immediate decision. In such cases, the Director, Deputy Director or other designated staff member will be contacted, and legal counsel will be consulted when possible.

If a parent/guardian wants information…

The laws of Ohio require a library to provide information about a minor child to her/his parent, guardian or custodian.

If we are working to provide you better service…

The library works with outside parties to help provide services to our patrons. Any data shared with outside parties must follow the rules in our Security Policy.

We Never Sell Your Information

We do not sell information we collect about you to any outside parties.

Our Commitment to Your Security

As per our Public Records, Information Security and Computer and Internet Use Policies, we have put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures in an effort to safeguard and secure the information we collect to prevent unauthorized access, to maintain data security, and to ensure the correct use of information. We cannot, however, guarantee that information we collect would never be accessed by unauthorized users. If a data breach does occur we have specific measures in place to notify any affected individuals.  You can contact the library to request a copy of our Security Policy and Incident Response Plan that describe these measures in detail.

Outside websites and electronic communication

The library’s website includes links to outside sites. Those sites, and any other you may choose to go to, may have different privacy statements and the library’s Privacy Statement does not apply. The library is not responsible for protecting personal information gathered by outside Web sites.  This statement of privacy does not apply to e-mail and other electronic communications that you send and receive outside of this library via the Internet. On the Internet, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important to us, as per library policy and state law. We urge that parents supervise their children’s use of the Internet, especially when a child wishes to give out personal information online. Parents may wish to refer to Child Safety on the Information Highway, which is produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as a further guide.

Let Us Answer Your Questions

Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please contact the library.


PPL Privacy Statement

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